Age of Wonders 4’s launch was the biggest in Triumph Studios’ history

Age of Wonders 4’s developers Triumph Studios are ‘really happy’ about the game’s launch.

Age of Wonders 4, which launched on May 2, 2023, on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, has lived up to expectations. The turn-based 4X game is currently sitting on a score of 83 on Metacritic as well as a ‘Very Positive’ rating on Steam, having received praise both from critics and the public.

Triumph Studios’ Lennart Sas, game director for Age of Wonders 4, told GLHF in an interview that “we are really happy. This has been the biggest Age of Wonders launch in history, in all its 25 years.”

Published by Paradox Interactive and developed by Triumph, Age of Wonders 4 manages to stay true to the series’ roots and innovate at the same time, especially in regards to allowing players to role-play their faction and adapt their playstyle to be less violent and aggressive.

“The difficulty when you make a sequel is always: to what degree do you stick to the roots and listen to your core audience, and to what degree do you innovate,” Sas said. “Every developer making a sequel has to make a call there.”

In the worst case scenario, a developer can lose their core audience if they stride too far from the previous games, he explained. However, there is also the danger of a brand becoming stagnant, so developers constantly have to balance those two aspects.

During the creation of Age of Wonders 4, this was on the team’s mind all the time. They looked at older entries into the series and determined a couple of core features they wouldn’t touch, as they are “the pillars of what makes this game, the reason why it ever came to popularity.” Aside from this core, though, everything was possible – and some of the changes were “quite radical,” Sas said.

Triumph would then prototype these ideas and get them into the hands of some hardcore fans of the series, “who are often our worst critics.”

Sas continued: “And then we can say ‘okay, if they didn’t entirely hate it, then maybe with these new features we can attract a broader audience.’”

The focus on customization in Age of Wonders 4, which allows players to create their own rulers and factions to play with, has been one of the big hits among players – it was also a result of the team being bold and correctly weighing the risks in the above context: “We knew that some of our core players from Age of Wonders 1 would hate it, because they’re all about the lore. They like fixed factions. But we also knew that a lot of people would love it, right? So that balance is a tough call. You can’t please all the people all the time.”

In this case, Triumph Studios certainly managed to make the right call – the clamorous reception speaks for itself.

Written by Marco Wutz on behalf of GLHF.

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Age of Wonders 4 preview: Variety and choices in abundance

What Triumph’s upcoming turn-based 4X fantasy game has to offer.

When Paradox Interactive comes knocking with a new 4X turn-based grand strategy, you don’t turn your nose up at them. With Triumph Studios developing this game, it had all the makings of something great, and safe to say I wasn’t disappointed.

This game is all about variety. No two matches look the same, and that’s thanks to the amount of refined control the game gives you in the race builder and faction creation. I had playthroughs where I played as feline scholars, barbarian toads, necromantic elves, and cannibalistic humans, all of which lead to very different games.

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Every step of the process is important. You choose your race, then give them physical and mental attributes, decide their overall culture as well as additional traits, and then finally customize everyone’s appearance. They all make a difference to your playthrough, and you can fine-tune things to your heart’s content.

The game world is no different. There’s a big chunk of random generation, but you can modify elements of it if you wish, even in the campaign mode. Do you want your world littered with ancient ruins of a forgotten civilization? Or ravaged by devastating blizzards? Or maybe a bit of both? Don’t forget about the underground layer either.


If you’re worried about the overwhelming complexity then never fear, as the nested tooltip system from Old World and Crusader Kings 3 is here to let you look up any keywords and understand all of the game’s interconnected mechanics. It’s the pinnacle of UI design for strategy games right now, and every game in the genre should be adopting it.

It also has a lot of familiar elements for fans of the genre. If you’ve ever played a Civilization game then you’ll immediately recognize a lot of the basic layout when you get into a game. You can build plenty of infrastructure like farms or mines and eventually start to develop specializations and upgrades for your buildings. This is all dependent on your research and overall culture.

This isn’t a Civilization tech tree though, you’ll be given three options from a pool of research topics that could be anything like units, building, or new spells. You can affect a lot with these spells. Some are just for combat, but you’ll eventually be able to change your race’s appearance, adding strange features like icicles or rocks on their body. Naturally, these choices can sprout out almost exponentially, as you can later pick another tome and research even further.


Then you’ll end up on a skill tree that looks like it’s out of a Diablo game. There are all sorts of aspects and elements that you can specialize in, and you’ll get bonuses accordingly. Most importantly, you’ll only ever have enough resources to do a small number of things at once, so there are some difficult decisions to be made, which is where these games really sing.

I hope you’re not tired out after all of that choosing, as there are still plenty more choices that need to be made. Narrative and diplomatic events will appear from time to time and how you tackle them is up to you. Let’s say a humble leader asks for your aid in paying off their debts. Sure, you could cough up the cash and secure their allegiance, but wouldn’t it be more efficient to use your knowledge of shadow magic to cut off the problem at the source?

Taking the peaceful path is entirely possible too. You can forge strong alliances where all benefit, and you won’t need to betray them at the end for a mash dash to the finish line. There are three victory conditions: expansion, magic, and eliminations, and all of them make room for joint victories as an alliance.

City provinces

If you do win the favor of free cities you’ll be able to partake in the Rally of the Lieges, which lets you recruit units from your subjects, expanding your armies with new troop types that varied depending on what race your subjects are. If that’s not cool enough then go out and defeat the guardians of ancient ruins to get even more new troops. They could be anything from bone dragons to Lovecraftian horrors – it’s a real roll of the dice.

When you get into the meat of combat you’ll be taken to a separate map where it all goes down. These are wonderfully crafted areas where strategic points and bonuses can be won with careful planning and solid tactics. There are abilities, flanking bonuses, and combat spells as always, and the way you balance your armies will have a huge impact on how things play out.

Up to three armies with six units each can jump into the fray of battle at once, and these massive fights are a sight to behold. The animations can still be a bit sub-par at times, and camera shaking can cause framerate issues when big combat spells are going off, but these issues can be easily ironed out before release.


The AI is very competent too. It loves to focus fire on vulnerable units and always attempts to flank for bonuses. It’s able to read your tactics too, countering bunched-up armies with area-of-effect spells that will firmly tell you to change strategy. It’s pretty aggressive and can play out intelligent ploys, for example, I was once led into an ambush that forced me to pull away from a siege I was conducting, saving the AI city.

When it’s all said and done, win or lose you’ll earn XP towards the meta-progressions system called The Pantheon. This contains all the factions and leaders you’ve created and encountered, remembering them for future games. It also gives you more creation options for realms and factions, which gives you a great sense of slowly building a world all your own.

Role-players or min-max strategies will find a lot to offer in Age of Wonders 4, and Triumph Studios have done the series proud.

Written by Marco Wutz and Ryan Woodrow on behalf of GLHF.