Swinney on if Shipley will play against Pitt

During his Zoom conference call with reporters on Sunday evening, Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney was asked about the injury status of freshman running back Will Shipley heading into this Saturday’s game at Pittsburgh. Swinney was asked if Shipley, …

During his Zoom conference call with reporters on Sunday evening, Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney was asked about the injury status of freshman running back Will Shipley heading into this Saturday’s game at Pittsburgh.

Swinney was asked if Shipley, who sustained a lower leg injury against North Carolina State on Sept. 25, is at a point where he might play this weekend or if that is out of the question.

“I don’t know,” Swinney said. “Obviously haven’t seen him since we got back (from Syracuse). But we’ll see where he is tomorrow and go from there.”

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