Survey names Duke fans as most obnoxious in college basketball

A new survey names Duke fans as the most obnoxious in college basketball as the NCAA Tournament rolls on.

If you ask a UNC basketball fan who the most obnoxious fans in college basketball are, Duke would be the answer without hesitation. Rightfully so. North Carolina doesn’t like Duke and vice-versa as the rivalry lives on.

Now, it appears others agree with UNC fans. At least in this survey.

The conducted survey asked respondents about fan behaviors that annoy them while watching the tournament among the top 20 schools in college basketball. Categories such as annoying chants, heckling too much, drinking too much and starting fights were all mentioned in the survey.

Duke checked in at No. 1 in categories for  “most obnoxious chants” and “loudest fan section.” They also checked in at No. 1 overall for worst-behaved fans per the News & Observer:

  1. Duke
  2. Alabama
  3. Kentucky
  4. Ohio State
  5. North Carolina
  6. Maryland
  7. Florida
  8. Michigan
  9. Texas
  10. LSU

That’s the good news.

The bad news? Well, UNC fans were also on the list as well. Tar Heels fans checked in at No. 5 on the list. They were high in the category of “complaining about the referees and using profanity.” Ouch.

It looks like both teams in this rivalry have some things to work on.