‘Super Khabib’: UFC lightweight champion Nurmagomedov gets Super Mario-style makeover, and it’s brilliant

UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov gets a Super Mario-style 8-bit video game makeover, and it’s brilliant.

You can call off Call Of Duty. Red Dead Redemption is dead in the water. Gears of War? Pah! This is the only video game we want in our Christmas stocking.

This is “Super Khabib”, RT Sport‘s Super Mario-inspired rendering of UFC lightweight champ [autotag]Khabib Nurmagomedov[/autotag] as the Dagestani demolition man embarks on his adventures through an 8-bit world that sees him dodging bears, collecting power-up papakhas and going face to face with the notorious end-of-level boss, Conor McGregor (or “Console McGregor” if you prefer).

As you’d expect, McGregor is a formidable foe, hurling bottles of whiskey and bellowing his in-game catchphrase: “Proper Twelve!” as he attempts to thwart “Super Khabib’s” progress.

But, just like in real life, the intrepid explorer, who appears to be as undefeated in the 8-bit world as he is in the MMA world, gets the better of McGregor to reach the championship belt and the next level.

The video ends there, but we assume Level 2 involves some sort of desert scene, with perhaps a camel or two, followed by a battle with Dustin Poirier before heading on to Level 3, where “Super Khabib” takes on a sunglass-wearing, forward-rolling, cable-dodging, elbow-throwing Tony Ferguson.

And if Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony want to go ahead and make “Super Khabib” a video game reality we’d be more than happy for them to send an advance copy to us here at The Blue Corner.

Of course, we’ll send the location.

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