Super Bowl commercial rush with YouTube’s AdBlitz: 5 ads that have topped 1 million views

Ahead of Super Bowl 55, these five spots have over one million on YouTube’s AdBlitz…and counting

Talk about creating room with views…

With Super Bowl 55 right on the doorstep, a few commercials that will be airing during or around Sunday’s big game have already grabbed the attention of online fans. Millions of online fans.

From clever takes on the Year 2020 to one boy’s questions while enjoying a burrito, the creative campaigns have reached the seven-figure mark on AdBlitz, a YouTube exclusive, and most fans haven’t even started to think about what food they’ll order yet.

Let’s take a look at the Big 5…

Under Armour

While this Big Game commercial isn’t part of the USA TODAY Ad Meter ratings, Under Armour’s latest spot featuring Michael Phelps has done a medal-worthy job of capturing that Olympic feeling—while also inspiring. The ad’s current view count has tipped the seven-figure mark on AdBlitz, and looks to still have a few laps left in it.

Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade

Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade’s 60-second commercial takes a lighthearted jab at some the unexpected pitfalls of 2020—the “lemons” the year provided to so many people, and their plans.

It’s resonated with commercial fans on AdBlitz, too, as the current view count has neared a new plateau. 


It’s a big jump from ducking citrus to this 30-second spot from first-time Super Bowl advertiser Chipotle. The little boy’s rapid fire questions about his burrito open up larger discussions about the company’s current effort on sustainable impact—and the topical, timely nature has placed the spot in a view count area on AdBlitz that not even one of their burrito shells could hold.


It has been 37 years since Budweiser didn’t have a Super Bowl commercial. Before the frogs, dogs and Clydesdales. But the beer company’s initiative to take the saved advertising dollars and redirect that toward COVID-19 vaccine awareness hasn’t gone unnoticed. This digital ad that Bud will be running around the game has already climbed into the top shelf of the beer aisle on AdBlitz.

Old Spice

While we haven’t heard much about this Old Spice ad being part of the Super Bowl Sunday cosmos, we can’t overlook the fact it’s near the top of the view-count hierarchy of Official Big Game ads on AdBlitz.

And we say “nearly,” because…


More like Michale B. Creating Quite the Buzz on AdBlitz.

The Amazon spot that introduces one lady’s fantasy of an alternative body for Alexa—which happens to be actor Michael B. Jordan—has been the biggest hit on YouTube’s exclusive Big Game platform so far.

Which raises the question: “Alexa, will the reign hold?'”