Suni Lee threw in an effortless flip on her first pitch for the Twins because she can

Of COURSE, an Olympian would do that on the mound.

Before the Twins and Blue Jays played a little game of baseball on Friday night, Minnesota welcomed a special guest to the stadium — Tokyo 2020 gold medalist Suni Lee.

With the 19-year-old world-class gymnast in a relative break before any major competitions, the Twins had the St. Paul native Lee come and throw out the first pitch. And you might think otherwise, Dearest Readers, but this was no ordinary first pitch.

Lee is, you know, one of the most athletic people on the planet. So instead of just throwing the ball across home plate, she did a complete front flip on her pitch windup. Why? Because she could!

Oh, wait, this was the plan the whole time? And this was the equivalent of a warmup???

Oh sweet heavens, look at that angle. Why don’t more MLB teams invite Olympians to throw out first pitches? If cool things like this happen when they’re on the mound, they have no excuse.

For what it’s worth, the Twins went on to win 6-5 with a thrilling walk-off play at the plate:

Huh. Maybe Minnesota should bring Lee and her effortless front flips in more often if these are the results.