Sunday’s NFL upsets were a bloodbath for survivor pools

Week 10 destroyed survivor pools everywhere.

If you lost in your NFL survivor pool (in case you don’t know what that is: you enter a pool of contestants who pick one outright winner per week and can’t use that team again the rest of the season; the overall winner “survives” when everyone else is eliminated) this weekend, you already know about what an awful Sunday it was for entrants.

Perhaps if you picked the Baltimore Ravens to run all over the Cincinnati Bengals, you survived.

But let’s review: the Kansas City Chiefs had Patrick Mahomes return and lost to the Tennessee Titans. The New Orleans Saints put up a whole nine points against the woeful Atlanta Falcons defense. The Miami Dolphins won their second straight game (!) in a victory over the Indianapolis Colts, who were without their starting QB. You could even throw in the Pittsburgh Steelers defeating the Los Angeles Rams.

That was bad news for anyone who picked those favorites:

The Falcons leaned into it:


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