Sunday Hash: Florida’s loss to Georgia puts Gators’ season on the brink

Pat Dooley serves up his morning-after brunch to munch on following Florida’s loss.

There is one truth in the Gator Nation right now and that is this: Florida is 1-4 in the SEC for the first time since the 1948 team.

Oh, I am aware that the 1979 team didn’t win a conference game or any other kind of game for that matter and the 1971 team went 1-6 by winning its final SEC game of the season.

They could still be in the argument for the Gators’ worst SEC season ever.

Because no Florida fans in 74 years have grabbed a newspaper (do those even exist anymore?) and looked at the SEC standings and seen 1-4 next to Florida.

(It will be a battle of two 1-4 teams next Saturday, but that’s for later in the week).

How did we get here and can Florida climb out of this hole? The Sunday Hash looks into these matters.