Succession’s ‘ludicrously capacious bag’ line is now a hilarious new meme

This Succession meme is now everywhere!

Succession Season 4 is off and running — check out Bryan Kalbrosky’s first power rankings from this week — and thanks to one particularly great line from the premiere, we’ve got a new meme.

Now, full disclosure: I’m working on Season 1 myself, so I didn’t see the episode. So I asked Bryan to break down the moment for the meme I’ve now seen everywhere:

“Cousin Greg brought a woman to his uncle’s (Logan Roy) birthday party. Tom (the soon-to-be-ex-step-son of Logan) and Greg have a very silly relationship. Tom, who is always messing with Greg, tells him that his date brought a “ludicrously capacious” bag to the party and that it was embarrassing for everyone involved.”

There you have it! On to the memes:

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