Steve Spurrier took an epic shot at Texas saying ‘they can’t win the Big 12 anyway’ and fans loved it

This was some classic Spurrier.

In case you’ve been under a rock for this past few days then you know that Texas and Oklahoma have announced that they will be leaving the Big 12 and are looking to make their way over to the SEC.

Why are they trying to do that? Because they care about their student athletes and want what’s best for them.

Just kidding. It’s about money. It’s always about money with college sports.

The Big 12 is rightfully furious about this move, as it doesn’t want to see its biggest programs leave the conference.

Steve Spurrier, the legendary former Florida and South Carolina coach, had some fun ripping both Texas and Oklahoma over the move.

He told the Orlando Sentinel this about Texas:

“I can understand Texas jumping over,” Spurrier said. “They get to play Texas A&M again. They get to … they can’t win the Big 12 anyway.

“I think they’re only won two in the last 30 years or so. What is it?”


Texas has won three Big 12 titles since 1996 but their last one was way back in 2009.

And he had this to say about Oklahoma:

“I’m sort of surprised Oklahoma,” Spurrier said. “I just don’t think they’re going to come over to the SEC and win with any regularity the way that they win the Big 12. Their fans might say, ‘Yeah, now we can beat Alabama and LSU and all these dudes.’ It may not happen like that.

“I don’t know. It’s obviously more money.”

And you know what? It doesn’t seem Spurrier isn’t wrong with his analysis.

Fans loved the Texas line: