Stephon Gilmore: ‘The senseless killings & shootings of Black Americans by the police and vigilantes has to stop’

“The senseless killings & shootings of Black Americans by the police and vigilantes has to stop.”

New England Patriots cornerback Stephon Gilmore reflected on the Kenosha shootings on Twitter Thursday.

After police officers shot Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old black man, in the back repeatedly this Sunday and left him in critical care in Kenosha, Wis., a 17-year-old white man shot three protestors in the same city, killing two in what the shooter thought was an act of serving for a local militia. The acts of violence have led to nationwide protesting, and in the sports world specifically, NBA players are electing to boycott their playoff games.

Gilmore shared his thoughts on the tragic events in Kenosha.

“I do not have the words to meet the depths of my frustration & sadness,” the Patriots cornerback wrote. “But, I do know that the senseless killings & shootings of Black Americans by the police and vigilantes has to stop. These are human rights violations. My children deserve better. We all deserve better.”

Gilmore isn’t the only Patriot to speak for basic human rights for the Black community in America. Jason McCourty and Devin McCourty also tweeted a short thought on the shootings.

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