Stephen A. Smith’s message to LeBron James on Dillon Brooks: ‘You gotta bust his [expletive]’

LeBron James is definitely going to try to score 40 on Dillon Brooks now

Dillon Brooks has been talking greasy to just about everyone in the NBA. It’s part of his game. Honestly, it’s kind of fun, too. The NBA needs more Black Air Force 1 energy in it.

But, man, he’s been coming especially hard at LeBron James for the last two weeks.

The dude just won’t stop poking the bear. First, he called James and the Lakers out before LA’s play-in game against the Timberwolves. Now, Brooks is calling James old — literally. He said he’s old, y’all!

RELATED: The beef history between LeBron James and Dillon Brooks.

It’s safe to say that Dillons Brooks has added himself to the list of LeBron James agitators. He’s now with the Joakim Noahs and Lance Stephensons of the world.

So, now, LeBron has to teach him a lesson. That’s if the Lakers want to win this series, anyway. Stephen A. Smith said as much on the latest episode of First Take. 

He matter-of-factly told James exactly how he needs to deal with Brooks.

“When you chirp like Dillon Brooks chirped last night, you gotta bust his [expletive]. Excuse my language. I’m not talking about Games 4, 5, 6, 7. Winning the series. I’m talking about a game where you make a statement and remind him who the hell you are. And this is one of those moments if you’re LeBron James. 

Honestly, folks? Stephen A. has a point here. Brooks ain’t wrong. James is well past his prime.

But the thing here is LeBron James is still, well, LeBron James. He’s one of the greatest players to ever pick up a basketball. He’s literally the NBA’s all-time leading scorer.

Dillon Brooks is out here calling that guy old. With his Stunna Shades on in the middle of a press scrum. It takes a lot of nerve to do that. Clearly, Brooks has all the nerve.

Game 3 is going to be so exciting. Buckle in, y’all. Bron is definitely going to try for 40.