Stephen A. Smith celebrates Cowboys loss with a cigar

Stephen A. Smith took a victory lap on Friday after the Cowboys’ loss to the Bills.

No one enjoyed the Cowboys’ crushing home loss on Thanksgiving more than Stephen A. Smith, who trolled Cowboys fans with an epic video on Twitter after the game. Smith, who can’t stand the “sickening, nauseating, disgusting” Cowboys fanbase, took a victory lap on Friday’s episode of First Take, and recorded a special show intro wearing a cowboy hat and holding a cigar.

Smith argued that Cowboys coach Jason Garrett has to go, and that it makes no sense for the organization to stand by him after he has struggled to meet expectations for years.

“When a quarterback is struggling, they’ll change up. If a wide receiver, a tight end, an offensive tackle [struggles], they’ll change up…. You’re sitting around appalled at the thought of somebody getting rid of Jason Garrett. You get rid of players every day! Why can’t you get rid of a coach that ain’t getting it done? I don’t understand it. Of course he should be gone right now.”

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