Stars show off Boston accents in Hyundai ‘Smaht Pahk’ Super Bowl commercial

Several big name actors came out for Hyundai in this Super Bowl spot.

If you’re going to do a bit with Boston accents, it’s helpful to just totally lean in on it and make it as ridiculous as possible.

That’s what John Krasinski, Rachel Dratch, and Chris Evans did (along with a nice guest spot from David “Big Papi” Ortiz) in this “Smaht Pahk” Super Bowl commercial from Hyundai.

Plenty of Massachusetts towns (and bodies of water) get a shout out, Krasinki perfectly calls a car key fob a “clickah,” and my biggest question is how on Earth did Matt Damon and Ben Affleck miss out on this? I feel like you wouldn’t even need to pay them.

Hyundai apparently went through 300 scripts (!) before landing on this one for the commercial. That’s … a lot.

See all the commercials from the Big Game at USA TODAY’s Ad Meter.

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