Starfield factions ranked by how easily I can beat them up

Our Starfield factions ranked list takes a different approach and looks at how easy it is to start a fight in Bethesda’s space game

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I could do a Starfield factions ranked list the normal way – based on how fun the missions are, for instance, or how good the loot is that you get at the end of the space game‘s quests. But there’s so much less room for variation that way. Ryujin and the Crimson Fleet are always going to win, just because that’s how they’re designed in the space game. The Vanguard is fine, and all the other little factions you can’t join just get lost in the shuffle. So I decided on an unorthodox approach and thought about how easy it is to start a fight and beat up the different factions and ranked them from easiest to hardest, because why not.