Star Tribune columnist thinks both Vikings and Minnesota RB Dalvin Cook will compromise

Star Tribune sports columnist Chip Scoggins thinks that the Vikings and Dalvin Cook will both end up compromising.

Ever since Adam Schefter of ESPN reported that Dalvin Cook will be holding out until he receives a revised deal, there have been numerous opinions regarding the matter as a whole.

Who has the more leverage? Who will compromise? Star Tribune sports columnist Chip Scoggins thinks both parties have their positives and negatives in negotiations, which will lead to a compromise down the road.

Scoggins also thinks there’s a good chance that Cook will play in the Sept. 13 opener vs. the Packers.

Here’s some of what he said about the situation:

“The brushfire that popped up regarding Cook’s unhappiness with his contract shouldn’t obscure the reality that both sides understand that each one holds both leverage and vulnerabilities in negotiations. That leaves one likely outcome: compromise.

The Vikings will compromise. Cook will compromise. A summerlong staredown or threats of a training camp holdout are nothing more than Negotiating 101.”

Scoggins also said a deal ranging from $11 million to $12 million a year is fair for both sides.