Square Enix announces Final Fantasy 16 release date at The Game Awards

Square Enix is planning a Final Fantasy 16 release date for very early in summer 2023 as promised

Naoki Yoshida previously made a teasing comment about surprising fans with how early in summer 2023 the Final Fantasy 16 release date would be, and it turns out he wasn’t joking. Square Enix will launch Final Fantasy 16 on June 22, 2022, for PlayStation 5, almost as early in summer as you can get. Square Enix made no mention of releasing Final Fantasy 16 on other platforms, including PC, as the RPG is a console exclusive for at least six months after launch.

Yoshida appeared on stage during the The Game Awards 2022 to make the announcement, which included the Revenge trailer, showcasing some of the most intense action and combat in the game to date.

The news comes after the first Final Fantasy 16 rating appeared in the wild from the South Korean ratings board, listing a range of factors that certainly seem to warrant the game’s “Mature” rating tag. These include violence, sexual content, and disturbing situations, and while that may seem at odds with what’s normally a toned-down fantasy RPG series, it isn’t entirely out of keeping with past games.

Final Fantasy XIV, which Yoshida also produces, regularly deals with darker, heavier themes, and Final Fantasy Type-0 didn’t shy away from the bloodier side of war and conflict.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

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