South Carolina and Ole Miss players classily helped a player with an on-court wig accident

The South Carolina and Ole Miss women’s basketball teams deserve credit for understanding the moment.

Basketball is such a fast-paced, physical sport that often things happen in the blink of an eye, including unexpected mishaps. That happened during Sunday’s game between South Carolina and Ole Miss when a player’s wig accidentally came off mid-game. Amazingly, neither team missed a beat. They sprang into action to help their fellow peer.

It can be embarrassing and gutwrenching to watch injuries or accidents change the course of a game. (Remember when ESPN brutally showed Chelsea Gray’s injury during the 2023 WNBA Finals?)

During those moments, it’s not as common to see a player get time to gather themselves or get unanimous support from other athletes. But, when an Ole Miss women’s basketball player collided with a player from South Carolina — resulting in a wig coming off — players from both teams jumped in to help.

The best part of the sequence is seeing the players from each team gather to shield the impacted player so that they could put their wig back on properly and not feel overwhelmed.

Women’s hoops fans noticed their incredibly kind gesture and loved it.