Sorry losers, a Premier League all-star game would absolutely rule

Let’s not dismiss this idea just because it’s very American

We get it, England. Todd Boehly is all new to this. And he’s American.

But let’s not just dismiss this whole all-star game out of hand just because of those two major strikes against him.

The new Chelsea owner created something of a firestorm when he casually tossed out the idea of a Premier League all-star game, saying the event would be a spectacle for fans and a potential money-maker for teams in the lower divisions.

The reactions were predictable. And hilarious.

The fabric of the game! We must get the government involved immediately to stamp out this damaging scourge of all-star game ideas. Certainly that is the most problematic aspect of ownership in the Premier League right now.

“I’m not sure people want to see that. (Manchester) United players, Liverpool players, Everton players all together in one team?” asked an incredulous Jurgen Klopp. “And all the London guys together, Arsenal, Tottenham…great.”

Arsenal and Spurs players as teammates?? Up is down, black is white, dogs and cats living together. The horror! Rivals at club level playing on a team together. Could you even imagine?

(Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images)

Ah. Well. Nevertheless.

Boehly suggested a north vs. south format to the all-star game, but that wouldn’t necessarily be the ideal way to go about it. What about England versus the world? Or the Premier League could follow the NBA’s lead and have two captains simply pick teams.

Whatever the case, it would be entertaining. And the skills challenge the night before? Even better!

The main talking points against the idea seem to be: it’s American, it’s a cash grab, and there’s no room in the schedule.

Let’s start with the latter point because it’s legitimate.

Premier League teams already face a crushing load of matches, so how could they squeeze in one more?

We’ve seen games hastily rearranged in the past week after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, so we at least know there is the possibility of fixture adjustments. With some time to plan it out there would hopefully be minimal disruption, especially as it would be just one game.

And here’s the thing about workload concerns: an all-star game shouldn’t be a serious competition! There can be 18 or even 23-man rosters, and if most players get on the field that means none of them will have extended workloads.

This should be an exhibition for the fans. Defending should be optional. Trying crazy stuff should be mandatory. We’re not talking about a match that is likely to produce a bunch of injuries.

Regarding the cash-grab element: it should be a cash grab, just for the right beneficiaries. A whole host of lower-league sides suffered during the pandemic, with several nearly going bankrupt. If all the proceeds for an all-star game went to those clubs, it would certainly be a worthwhile venture.

And as for the whole foreign part, maybe the idea of suggesting an all-star game isn’t quite as American as one would think.

If it’s good enough for Rio and Rom, then let’s make it happen.

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