Sorry, Bears fans, it doesn’t sound like Ryan Pace is going anywhere

While Matt Nagy’s fate has been decided, we’ll have to wait to see Ryan Pace’s fate. But it sounds like he’s returning to the Bears.

The Chicago Bears are playing a football game Sunday. Their final game of the season. Not that anyone’s focused on that right now considering it’s what happens after the game that everyone is waiting to see unfold.

While everyone knows head coach Matt Nagy is getting the axe after Sunday’s finale against the Minnesota Vikings, the bigger question is the future of general manager Ryan Pace.

For all of the criticism Nagy has received, and rightfully so, Pace deserves a share of that. Especially considering the roster he’s constructed, a lack of draft capital and his mismanagement of the salary cap.

Brad Biggs of the Chicago Tribune addressed the uncertain future of Pace, citing one of his source’s beliefs about Pace staying with the organization. While it was slightly above 50% a month ago, that’s now changed.

I can tell you once source I spoke to earlier this week said a little more than a month ago, he would have put the chance of Pace staying at slightly higher than 50%. Now his belief is Pace’s chances of remaining with the Bears is greater than that. We know Chairman George McCaskey has held Pace in high regard for some time.

The belief among NFL circles is that Pace is staying put with the Bears organization, even if that’s not as GM. That could indicate, perhaps, a promotion to head of football operations. Which, when you think about it, makes no sense if he didn’t do a good job as GM why he’s getting a promotion. But given Chairman George McCaskey’s fondness for Pace, it wouldn’t be a surprise.

While Nagy’s future has been set in stone for some time, we’ll have to wait a few more days to see Pace’s fate.

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