So many NBA players are fishing to pass the time in the bubble

Good times in the Magical Kingdom.

There aren’t a whole lot of activities to do while stuck in the NBA bubble at Disney World, save for practicing, gaming, checking out the players’ lounge, golfing and complaining about the quarantine food.

But players have found something and a bunch of them are doing it: fishing!

We already saw Philadelphia 76ers star Ben Simmons show off his catch and then struggle to throw it back in the lake. Since then, social media has been filled with photos and videos of players with what they’ve caught or in the middle of snagging a fish.

Here’s a rundown, starting with Simmons:

Paul George got one!

Two Rockets teammates — Ben McLemore and Robert Covington — did well:

Good job, Luka Doncic!

His teammate Boban Marjanovic has found some success:

Good times!

For more reports on life inside the bubble, check out USA TODAY Sports.

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