Snack of the Week: Wilde Protein Chips work best when they remember they’re made of chicken

Chicken and eggs, in potato chip form? Alright, I’m listening…

Welcome back to FTW’s Beverage of the Week series. Here, we mostly chronicle and review beers, but happily expand that scope to any beverage that pairs well with sports. Yes, even cookie dough whiskey. And sometimes it’s food, too.

I really like the idea of a healthier potato chip. I understand it’s not really a thing — absent-mindedly ripping through a bag in between meals is always gonna be at least a slight detriment if you’re trying to lose weight — but the idea of packing crushable empty calories with *something* useful at least brings some cold comfort.

That led me to Quest’s protein snacks a while back, which are made with whey and milk proteins and, thus, are all tinged with a certain dairy taste that persists no matter the chip. This wasn’t bad, it’s just something that worked far better in some flavors than others.

Wilde offers something different. Their protein chips come from a poultry base, offering chicken breast, bone broth and eggs as sources. That’s an interesting twist, even if I’m a little wary of casually snacking on flattened-out chicken between meals.

But hey, it does sound pretty good, and I’m very much into the idea that my sudden mid-day craving for garbage could be beneficial. Let’s see how they taste.