Showtimes provides first look at documentary ‘Ringside’

Showtime has provided a sneak peek at its documentary “Ringside,” which premieres at 8:30 p.m. ET / PT on Friday.

Showtime has provided a sneak peek at its documentary “Ringside,” which premieres at 8:30 p.m. ET / PT on Friday.

The documentary, filmed over nine years, follows the lives of boxing prodigies Destyne Butler Jr. and Kenneth Sims Jr. on the rough South Side of Chicago.

The clip, which hasn’t been available until now, illustrates the different paths the young men took. Butler reflects on the mistakes he made in an emtional letter to his father from a correctional center. Meanwhile, Sims fulfills his dream of becoming a successful professional boxer.

The film, directed by Andre Hormann, won the Silver Hugo Award at the Chicago International Film Festival