Should the City of Boston rename Logan Airport after Bill Russell?

Should the City of Boston rename Logan Airport in Bill Russell’s honor?

Bill Russell is an icon in the City of Boston. He’s a Boston Celtics legend. He’s a civil rights pioneer. He was the first black head coach in the NBA. And he was among the most talented players of his generation, as proven by his 11 championship rings. Russell’s legacy will be felt within Boston for centuries.

As such, The Atlantic’s Mark Leibovich believes the City of Boston should honor Russell’s memory by renaming Logan Airport. The move would likely require approval from multiple sections of Boston’s local government. However, it would further immortalize Russell’s legacy within the city and pay homage to someone who truly made a difference.

“It’s about time Boston gave Russell the whole damn airport,” Leibovich reasoned. “His basketball achievements are colossal on their own—Russell is widely considered one of the top five players of all time—but his life in full transcends sports…Naming the airport for Russell would send a powerful message about the region it serves: Boston has come a long way toward racial comity since the benighted 1960s, but its journey is ongoing, and—despite Massachusetts’s liberal bent—has taken longer than it should have.”

Russell deserves to have his legacy honored in many ways. Renaming Logan Airport would ensure that Russell’s name and legacy live on, both within the city and worldwide, as the airport is a major international hub.

There might be some red tape to cut through. However, if the Boston government wanted to move forward with the renaming, it would be unlikely to face significant opposition.

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