Shawn Hochuli’s dubious pass interference call gives Chiefs a fourth-quarter break

Shawn Hochuli’s pass interference call against the Bills was the latest embarrassment in a season filled with officiating errors.

Ah, more horrible NFL officiating. When will it ever end?

With 9:31 left in the fourth quarter of the divisional round playoff game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Buffalo Bills, Patrick Mahomes threw the ball away on third-and-6 from the Kansas City 46-yard line. There wasn’t a receiver in the area, because Rashee Rice — the intended target — was bumped over the middle by a Bills defender.

After a prolonged discussion delay, referee Shawn Hochuli’s “all-star” officiating crew decided to call pass interference on linebacker Dorian Williams, who made the bump. Here’s the problem — the contact happened within five yards of the line of scrimmage, so as long as Mahomes had not released the ball when the contact happened, it was legal contact.

Mahomes did not release the ball before the contact happened.

So, that discussion had to include at least one official insisting that Mahomes had released the ball, which is quite the embarrassment for a group of officials who have been awful all season long.

The Chiefs were unable to capitalize, but the point stands: When will the league do something about this obvious problem?