Shaq says the best decision for the NBA would be to ‘scrap the season’

Shaq wants everyone to be safe when coronavirus finally passes.

The NBA is still working to restart its season after it was suspended in March because of coronavirus.

While everyone is looking forward to the season potentially coming back, NBA on TNT analyst and Basketball Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal thinks the league should just scrap this season entirely and move on to the next one.

In an interview with For The Win, Shaq spoke about how he and his family have been dealing with socially distanced living, what it would be like playing with no fans and watching The Last Dance while stuck in the house along with everyone else.

He also spoke about a donation that he, Candace Parker and Frosted Flakes are making to finally bring sports to Young Scholars Charter School in Philadelphia when they’re finally able to return to class.

FTW: How have you and the family been holding up during quarantine?

Shaq: Well, we’ve just been following protocol. Staying safe. I’ve been spending a lot of valuable time with my boys — they’re 23, 20 and 17. Just talking about life, talking about business. I haven’t been able to spend this much time with them, actually, ever… I’m getting some good time with them.

Have you all picked up any new hobbies since you’ve been trapped in the house?

S: Yeah, since I’m doing this cooking show on ShopHQ so I’m starting to cook. I’m coming up with some kitchen items, I really been in the kitchen learning how to cook.

I’m also trying to teach my boys the importance of giving back and taking care of people that are in need… I hate looking on the news seeing that there are 24 million people filing for unemployment. That hurts my heart. So, here in Orlando, I just try to see what people need and get it done.

How surreal is it for it to not be NBA basketball right now?

S: It’s hard, but kudos to Adam Silver for taking that first step and thinking about the safety of the people and the players. I don’t know what’s going to happen with the remainder of the season but I would like everybody to be safe… So however long it takes for us to get 100% back to normal, I’m willing to wait.

What would your mindset even be playing in an arena with no fans? Why do fans matter?

S: It matters because looking at the fans starts your adrenaline. Let’s just say I’m playing on the road. I need to look at that one fan that’s making faces at me. I need to look at that one fan that laughs at me when I miss a free throw. I need to look at that one fan that’s holding up the opposing sign. I also need to look at the kid that looks at his dad when I look at him and says “Oh my God, Shaq just looked at me.” They make us who we are.

And then, you have to say okay. We’re going to play in an arena with just us, trainers, the camera guys and the media guys. What if one person gets sick and there’s nobody? All it takes is one person. After the game, you’ve still got to go home. What if one person gets sick, then we start from zero again.

Do you think it’s possible or reasonable to still have an NBA season at this point?

S: I think we should scrap the season. Everybody go home, get healthy, come back next year. Just scrap the season. Just scrap it. To try and come back now and do a rush playoffs as a player? Any team that wins this year, there’s an asterisk. They’re not going to get the respect. What if a team that’s not really in the mix of things all of a sudden wins with a new playoff format? Nobody is going to respect that. So, scrap it. Worry about the safety of the fans and the people. Come back next year.

As a competitor do you think some of the players would be upset if the season were to just be canceled?

S: Look, I understand how players are feeling. I really do. But any team that gets it done this year, there’s going to be an asterisk on that championship.

Pivoting a bit here, how do you feel about ESPN’s Michael Jordan documentary ‘The Last Dance’?

S: Yeah, I’m watching it. And as a father, I’m lucky to be able to tell my kids I was there. I saw how great he was. I was on the team that broke up that… He left and came back then we beat them to go to the Finals. Then they won three in a row.

A lot of kids they just see clips, they don’t know how great he was even though they buy his shoes. So watching this, the kids are like “I didn’t know he could do all that.” So I think this just solidifies who the greatest player to ever play the game was.

What was it like to play in that 1995 series against the Bulls? Jordan was on the comeback, obviously, so maybe he wasn’t the same—

S: Oh, stop it. Cut it out. Any guy that steps on the court has to get it. If he would’ve beat us, you wouldn’t say that.

What happened was we were the only team that year that matched up with them equally except for one position — my position… When we had the opportunity to steal that game six in Chicago, we knew we didn’t want to give it a chance to get to 7. We needed to end it right now. And we did… So I don’t want to hear that. Anybody who steps on the court can get it.

Tell us about the good things you’re doing with Frosted Flakes and Mission Tiger

S: A lot of schools around the country are having their funding cut, specifically on the athletic part. I’m partnering with Mission Tiger to donate a lot of money to the school in Philadelphia today, build a court on site, give them new equipment when all this is done.

We want these kids to stay active. They’re like everyone else — they’re missing that fun, they’re missing their sports. I’m proud to be part of what Tony the Tiger and Frosted Flakes is doing.

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