See what an official scholarship offer to play football at Notre Dame looks like

What is the best piece of mail you’ve ever received?

Who else loved pop-up books as a kid?

A hungry caterpillar would instantly be larger than life or a shark would be looking like it was about to eat you for lunch in the elementary school library.  It was tough to top those way back in the day.

And it’s now tough to top the version that is being made for some of the best teenage male athletes in the country. Except instead of it being a pop-up book that tells the story of a certain animal, it’s an official scholarship offer that shares what the future could look like if a high school students ends up choosing to play football at Notre Dame.

[autotag]Preston Zinter[/autotag] committed to play at Notre Dame in February but shared on Twitter what the official scholarship looked like that he received on Monday.

Zinter’s mother then shared a video of what the offer looked like that only gave it further detail.

Is this the reason a high school player is ultimately going to choose Notre Dame or not? I’d certainly hope a few pieces of finely folded cardboard weren’t, but it’s yet another small thing that speaks to [autotag]Marcus Freeman[/autotag] and his entire staff’s attention to detail when it comes to everything, including recruiting.

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