Search continues for Hawaii angler pulled overboard by ‘huge fish’

Authorities are searching for a man who appears to have been pulled overboard by a large tuna while fishing Sunday off South Kona, Hawaii.

Authorities are searching for a man who appears to have been pulled overboard by a large tuna while fishing Sunday off South Kona, Hawaii.

Mark Knittle, 63, was fishing with a friend about four miles beyond the Honaunau Boat Ramp when the pre-dawn incident occurred, according to Hawaii News Now.

Knittle, from the community of Captain Cook, had just hooked the tuna and told his friend, “The fish is huge,” moments before going over the rail.

Mark Knittle image courtesy of Hawaii Fire Department

It was not clear whether Knittle was harnessed to his rod and reel and fishing with a super-tight drag, which could explain how he could be pulled overboard.

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The friend tried to grab the line and also jumped overboard to try to reach Knittle before he vanished underwater.

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported that Hawaii Island police have opened a missing person case involving Knittle, who is 5 feet 10, weighs 185 pounds, and has curly brown hair and a white mustache and beard.

The search, involving the U.S. Coast Guard and Hawaii Fire Department, was scheduled to continue Tuesday.

–Yellowfin tuna image is generic

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