Scratch your travel itch with these 10 board games

Gone are the days when board game night means breaking out the dusty copy of Monopoly. These 10 board games, ranging from quick and easy to long and intense, can help scratch that wanderlust itch with travel themes and elements of exploration.

We’ve all been there – stuck at home, bored, tired of staring at a screen and longing for an adventure. Turn off the TV, set the cell phone aside and bust out one of these board games that appeal to those with a love of travel.

Each takes a different approach to fulfilling wanderlust, and we’ve ordered them from easiest and most approachable (even for board game newbies) to more advanced and meaty.

Sushi Go! – Complexity: 1/5


Foodies craving a culinary exploration can sit down at a Japanese restaurant during a game of Sushi Go!. During this quick game, players earn points by crafting the best combinations of sushi dishes, making the most rolls or creating a full set of sashimi.

While simple (it only takes 20 minutes to play), the game opens up opportunities for some clever strategy and competitive blocks. The art is adorable, and you can play with as few as two people (though it really shines at four or five).

Sagrada – Complexity: 1.5/5


Dream about a trip to Barcelona (or reminisce) while playing Sagrada, a puzzle game that casts players in the role of architects, designing stained glass window masterpieces using colorful dice.

Grids vary in difficulty, and players can use special tool cards to help aid their design and channel their inner Gaudí. It’s fairly straightforward and quick to play, making it an excellent “gateway” game for non-gamers. May the best window artisan win.

Ticket to Ride Europe – Complexity: 2/5


Hop aboard a train journey across Europe at the turn of the century with this follow-up to the popular Ticket to Ride. This elegantly simple game offers broad appeal – you can learn to play in about five minutes, yet game shops host tournaments of it — as players attempt to connect cities with their train lines.

The Europe version includes a new map, as well as tunnel, ferry and station gameplay elements. If you enjoy the game mechanics, there are Ticket to Ride installments set all over the globe.

Wingspan – Complexity: 2.5/5


This one’s for the birdwatchers out there. A competitive engine building game at its core, Wingspan pits players against each other as they seek to attract the best birds to their wildlife preserves. It’s quickly become a favorite since its release in 2019, and even hardcore gamers will appreciate its excellent theme and replayability.

Betrayal at House on the Hill – Complexity: 2.5/5

For all those ghost tour enthusiasts out there, this game’s for you. This tile game sends players into a haunted mansion, uncovering it room by room so no two playthroughs are alike. It’s a semi-cooperative game, where one player secretly betrays the rest, tasking the innocent party members to uncover the traitor before it’s too late.

Pandemic Legacy – Complexity: 3/5

Pandemic Legacy. Don’t zoom in if you want to avoid spoilers. We won late May.

A post shared by Tabletop Bellhop (@tabletopbellhop) on Apr 27, 2018 at 3:21pm PDT

While not as directly travel-related as some of the other games on our list, Pandemic Legacy does take players around the globe in a race to stop a fast-spreading pandemic. Sound familiar?

The game takes place over 12 to 24 sessions (one to two sessions per “month” in the game year), and the rules and game elements evolve over the course of play. It’s an intense, cinematic experience that will make you want to binge play through the whole thing.

Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Complexity: 3/5

Part role-playing game, part card game, Arkham Horror sends players (taking the role of various investigators) on a Lovecraftian adventure through the New England town of Arkham.

The core game is good on its own, but it really shines through its expansions, which see investigators jet-setting around the globe, searching the catacombs of Paris, exploring strange jungle ruins and navigating a dream realm. Each eight-scenario campaign plays almost like a legacy game.

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Complexity: 3.5/5

Pierdut pe insula blestemată #robinsoncrusoeboardgame #stauacasa

A post shared by Denisse-Alexandru Panait (@panaitalex) on Apr 22, 2020 at 3:46am PDT

If your wanderlust is of the tropical island variety, then give Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island a try. One to four players are shipwrecked on a deserted island, where they are tasked with building a shelter, finding food and uncovering the island’s many mysteries, from hidden treasures to cursed temples.

Six different scenarios offer thematically different play experiences with ever increasing difficulty.

The 7th Continent – Complexity: 4/5


The rules of this exploration game are fairly straightforward, but even experienced gamers will find it challenging to complete a quest (lift a curse) without dying. Players (solo or cooperative) choose a character and embark on an exploration of a newly discovered continent, all while crafting, foraging and struggling to survive.

An easy saving system means you can stop and resume as you like, much like a video game.

Gloomhaven – Complexity: 4.5/5

Дневник Крадущей Разум. Дни 3-4.

Нашли мы, значит, в одном из сундуков заметки о давно затерянном подземелье, когда-то принадлежавшем мозговитым инженерам. Думали, это будет достаточно лёгкая авантюра, но всё оказалось не так-то просто… Никогда еще не видела столько заводных механизмов, ловушек и механических людей. Место было по самый край напичкано опасностями. Мы спускались туда дважды, и то не смогли найти все сокровища, ну да и черт с ним. Будем всем говорить, что разграбили и не оставили ни монеты… никто ведь не узнает правду…

Но есть и светлые деньки в нашей жизни. Сначала мы заметили воришку, который украл несколько овощей у местного продавца. Воспользовавшись общей суматохой, мы тоже решили поживиться вкусным и себе немного прикарманили. А ближе к вечеру мы услышали странное пение в лесу и обнаружили с десяток вермлингов, танцующих и поющих вокруг костра. Я сказала остальным, что нет причин волноваться и уж тем более кровожадно нападать на них. Мы ведь не звери какие-то… Пение оказало на нас успокаивающий эффект и позволило хоть немного отвлечься от будущих опасностей…

Вернув Джексере (нашей нанимательнице) необходимые документы, мы получили новое предложение — преподать урок Иноксам, напавшим на ее караваны. Лагерь дикарей был хорошо спрятан в зарослях Кинжального Леса, но мы все же нашли его. Мы перебили около двух десятков Иноксов, в том числе и их шаманов, а когда ворвались в одну из хижин, то обнаружили там маленьких детей… Похоже, что это был скорее не лагерь бандитов, а мирная деревня… Но одной только добротой деньги не заработаешь, поэтому мы выполнили задание и отрапортовали Джексере. Она поделилась с нами информацией о заброшенной алмазной шахте, в которой поселились вермлинги, и готова заплатить хорошие деньги, если мы принесем ей оттуда самую большую блестяшку…

На улице нас уже поджидала городская стражница Арджиз. Ей не нравится наша нанимательница и она предложила раскрыть планы Джексеры. Для этого нужно пробраться на склад Мрачной Гавани и вывести ее на чистую воду… Звучит очень праведно и заманчиво, но боюсь, что мы уже сделали свой выбор…
#мрачнаягавань #gloomhaven #дневник #настолки #Nice_Dice_Che

A post shared by Клуб Настольных Игр Nice Dice (@nice_dice_che) on Apr 20, 2020 at 4:16am PDT

You can spend hours and hours (and more hours) inside the world of Gloomhaven, wandering the map as a mercenary adventurer, either on your own or with a few buddies. The world of this cooperative dungeon crawler is persistent and evolving, so the choices you make in a session carry over through the rest of the game.

The game itself is massive, with tons of content waiting to be unlocked as you explore. It’s the top-rated title on BoardGameGeek for good reason.

10Best is a part of the USA TODAY Network, providing an authentically local point of view on destinations around the world, in addition to travel and lifestyle advice.