Sam Darnold had a trade party to celebrate being a Panther and he seems pumped

Sam Darnold seems stoked to be a Carolina Panther

The Panthers took a pretty big swing and traded three draft picks for former New York Jets QB Sam Darnold.

It sort of came out of nowhere. We knew there was a possibility that Darnold could be traded. But we didn’t know where and we also didn’t think that it’d be the Panthers that made the move.

Yet here we are. Sam Darnold is a Panther, the Jets need a quarterback, and our own Steven Ruiz is broken.

Sam Darnold seems to be pretty happy about everything, though.

He apparently threw trade party (???) where it looked like some family and friends showed up to support him and he seemed to be stoked about it all.

Good for Darnold. Hopefully, for Steven’s sake, his Panthers tenure goes better than his Jets tenure did.