Sabrina Ionescu hit an absolutely stellar 3-pointer from the WNBA Commissioner’s Cup logo during the championship game

Sabrina Ionescu is out of this world.

During Tuesday night’s WNBA Commissioner’s Cup championshio game, New York Liberty guard Sabrina Ionescu reinforced why she’s one of the best shooters in the world.

Ionescu effortlessly nailed a deep 3-pointer from the Commissioner’s Cup logo, sending the Liberty fans in attendance into a frenzy for how fantastic the basket looked in person. It looked impressive enough on video.

The elite Liberty guard is a big reason why New York is thriving this season, and phenomenal shots like this reinforce why Ionescu is so great at what she does.

The Liberty have a real chance to win the championship this fall, and more buckets like this from Ionescu will help them get there.

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