Russian coach tests positive for COVID-19 after attending Olympic qualifier

Anton Kadushin, a Russian coach, announced Thursday that he tested positive for COVID-19 after returning from an Olympic qualifier.

Another of those present at an Olympic boxing qualifier last month in London has tested positive for coronavirus.

The qualifier was cut short mid-tournament on March 16 because of the rapid spread of COVID-19.

Anton Kadushin, a Russian national boxing team coach, announced Thursday on Instagram that he tested positive, according to Reuters. He said that among his symptoms was a high temperature.

The head of Russia’s boxing federation, Umar Kremlev, issued a statement saying Kadushin has a mild case of the virus. He added that no Russian boxers who took part in the event have the virus.

Reuters reported last week that several Russian boxers who were in London posted photos and videos apparently showing them ignoring instructions to isolate themselves.

Kadushin wasn’t the only one at the qualifier to contract the disease. Three boxers from the Croatian team and two members and a coach from the Turkish squad also tested positive after returning from London.

Turkish officials were among those who criticized the International Olympic Committee for not recognizing earlier that those at the event were in danger.