Ron Rivera to stand during National Anthem, kneel in protest during coin toss this season

Rivera said that he would not be kneeling during the National Anthem, but his protest against police brutality would come during coin toss.

In a summer where social justice and a desire for players to use their platforms for good has come to the forefront, many people across the sporting world are working to figure out ways to play their part in spreading the message that they do not support the police brutality that has been prevalent in our nation for decades.

Washington Football head coach Ron Rivera is among the many looking to use his voice, and he has recently come to a decision on how he is going to best protest in his own way. While he says that kneeling for the National Anthem is something that he will not do, as he has a strong military background, he supports anyone’s decision to protest in such a manner. He will do so in his own way.

“I’m going to put the initials JL for John Lewis [on my hat],” Rivera told WRC on Monday. “That way, when people ask me why, I can say because he was an advocate for voter rights.”

Aside from the letters on his hat, Rivera said that he would be kneeling for the coin toss before games, but standing for the anthem.

“I don’t want the message to be contorted when it comes to, ‘Oh, well, you kneeled during the anthem,’ ” Rivera said. “I’m going to make sure that my message that I have will be during the coin toss. For anybody that disagrees with me, well, I’m sorry, but it’s my right.”

There are assuredly going to be dozens of NFL players kneeling during the anthem once the season gets underway, and many are going to be standing alongside them. Through it all, it’s important to remember that these players and people are protesting for their right to safety and peace of mind, not against any flag or anthem.

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