Robert Saleh has ‘all the faith in the world’ in Joe Flacco

Jets head coach Robert Saleh has “all the faith in the world” in backup quarterback Joe Flacco.

Recently at training camp, New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh talked about veteran backup quarterback Joe Flacco, telling reporters that the quarterback should still be a starter in the NFL.

That believe might be tested in Week 1.

Starting quarterback Zach Wilson underwent “successful” knee surgery on Tuesday, and with no new surprises following the initial diagnosis of his injury, there is a chance that Wilson could be on track to play Week 1.

However, as pointed out in the wake of Wilson’s surgery, the recovery — and Wilson’s timetable — is “complicated:”

This could open the door for Flacco in Week 1 for the Jets. Earlier this month, when talking about the veteran quarterback, Saleh had this to say:

He could start in this league. I believe that. Sometimes this league has a tendency to pigeonhole people, or put labels on people, and then their opportunities kind of get limited. But Joe Flacco is a starting quarterback in this league. He’s really, really talented.

On Sunday, prior to Wilson’s successful surgery, Saleh again showed support for Flacco:

Joe’s a pro. He’s been there, he’s done that. He’s been a Super Bowl MVP, a world champion. He’s gotten the big contracts. He checks about all the boxes you can check. I think he’s going to be fine, especially for the remainder of the preseason. We’ll see everything else with Zach’s knee, but we have all the faith in the world in Joe.

Adding a bit more intrigue to this ongoing story? The Jets open against Flacco’s former team, the Baltimore Ravens,