Rick Barnes recaps Tennessee’s win against Cincinnati

Tennessee defeated Cincinnati, 65-56.

On the team’s rebounding performance and what he’s seen from Josiah-Jordan James:
“He’s good at it. He’s made a conscious effort to do that. I thought E.J. Anosike came in the game and gave us some of that where he came back. He kept the ball alive. He really did a good job with it. We want to get Olivier (Nkhamhoua) doing that. Once we’re able to get each guy going—maybe we can add getting Uros (Plavsic)—where they understand the roles that they have to play. You think about our front line—we’ve got three guys coming off the bench. That’s their number one job is to take rebounding to a different level. I thought Yves (Pons) did a nice job of making some fix-it plays. I think he had a couple of blocks today. He cleaned up a few plays there. Overall, it was a good defensive effort. Again, the guards have to rebound. We are going to be most lethal in transition when our guards come down and rebound. That dribble outlet is really hard to guard and pass ahead. When we get things going, that’s when we’re really at our best—when our guards are rebounding.”