Rick Barnes discusses upcoming basketball season

Rick Barnes discusses upcoming basketball season.

On what he sees Josiah-Jordan James’ role being this season:

“I would put him in that group of guys that we’re talking about with versatility. Josiah has played a lot of different things here. He is a guy that I think is still scratching the surface to what he can do. As always, he works hard. He’s ready. We’ve done everything we could to make sure that we can get him healthy and keep him healthy. I was impressed with what he did. I told each guy certain things, when they were away from us, that they should do. One with him was his flexibility. I just felt like if he could really improve his flexibility, it could help him in a lot of areas. He took it really seriously. He really did. He got to where he could maybe, sitting on the floor, legs out in front of him, could bend at a 45-degree angle. Now he can put his head between his legs. He really worked at it. He took it very seriously. He’s a guy that I think is going to play all over the court for us.”

On what kind of summer Santiago Vescovi was able to have at home in Uruguay:

“In some ways, he probably had the best summer, because he was able to play. He’s back. He’s in better shape. He looks leaner. We’ve watched him work out and play. I think he’s improved, but the biggest thing a year ago was that he never really had the chance to get himself in the kind of shape that he is now and the kind of shape he will be in by the time we get ready to kick it off. He’s a smart player and understands his game. Everybody likes to play with him. We’ve watched him play a little bit. He’s pretty sharp right now because of what I think he did while he was back home playing.”