Rich Kleiman addresses idea of Kevin Durant returning this year

Kevin Durant’s business manager and partner, Rich Kleiman, spoke in-depth about the Brooklyn Nets superstar on The Michael Kay Show.

He hasn’t played in a single 2019-20 game, but it still doesn’t take much for Kevin Durant to be one of the most talked-about individuals in the world of basketball on any given day.

Recently, he drew everyone’s attention when he got into a Twitter fight with New York Knicks fans, then followed that up with a back-and-forth with his old Oklahoma City Thunder teammate turned NBA analyst Kendrick Perkins.

While Perkins discussed the Twitter matter on ESPN’s “The Jump” on Friday, Durant’s business manager and partner, Rich Kleiman, went on “The Michael Kay Show” on 98.7 ESPN New York.

Kleiman addressed a variety of topics, one being the possibility of Durant returning this year.

When asked if there was a chance Durant would be back this year, Kleiman’s initial response was simple:

I don’t know.

He then expanded:

I’m not planning on it. Honestly, again, this is one of those things where, like, as a fan, I would have thought the same thing. Like there was this calendar in front of us and we were all having these pow-wows. But he’s just attacking his rehab like he attacks everything else. I can see how intense he is about his recovery and his rehab, and I don’t wanna disturb that. And it’s truly been day-to-day because, ya know, there’s no expectation on him from anybody. There’s been no pressure from anybody, there’s been no expectation on himself. He’s just truly taken it day-to-day. And I think after what happened and all the pressure around the summer and the situation, he should take it day-to-day and he should just work.