Report: Rockets, James Harden won’t ‘blow it up’ this offseason

“The blow it up and start over thing is not for this offseason,” says veteran Houston Chronicle beat writer Jonathan Feigen.

In confirmation of what should have already been clear, the Rockets aren’t likely to consider breaking up their team in the 2020 offseason, according to longtime beat writer Jonathan Feigen of the Houston Chronicle.

Here’s what Feigen told the Pushin’ Thru/Athletes Unfiltered podcast:

The blow it up and start over thing is not for this offseason. And the reason I feel fairly certain about that is they’re certainly keeping James Harden informed and getting his input on coaching, discussions and considerations. You wouldn’t involve him if you’re planning to send them off somewhere.

Besides involving Harden and All-Star backcourt mate Russell Westbrook in coaching talks, there’s also the matter of contracts and draft picks.

Both Harden and Westbrook have a player option after the 2021-22 season. Even if one or both had interest in exploring other teams (and there hasn’t been any indication of that), NBA teams don’t typically trade superstars under contract until they’re a year out from free agency. Given how hard it is to get equal value in star trades, teams want to give it every chance to work before looking at rebuilding or retooling scenarios.

Moreover, even if the Rockets were convinced that it was a time to potentially rebuild, Oklahoma City has the right to swap picks with Houston in the 2021 NBA Draft thanks to the Westbrook-Chris Paul trade. So there’s no reason for the Rockets to consider “tanking” if they potentially don’t have control of their own draft pick, anyway.

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On the other hand, the Rockets do have full control (at the moment) of their first-round pick in the 2022 NBA Draft, and the 2021 offseason is when the Rockets will be one year out from the potential free agency of Harden and Westbrook. So if things don’t go well in 2020-21, major moves involving the veteran guards could be considered at that time.

For now, however, it doesn’t seem to make much sense. The best (and most likely) course for the Rockets appears to be trying to build on their No. 4 finish in the Western Conference during the 2019-20 season, and perhaps seeing further growth in the second year of the Harden-Westbrook partnership and the first year of a new coaching regime.

Should that not occur, larger discussions about the future of the current core could potentially take place by the 2021 offseason.

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