Report: Britton Colquitt anticipates he will re-sign with the Vikings

“They’ve made it clear, we believe, they want to make a deal before free agency.” Britton Colquitt expects to be back with the Vikings.

Punter Britton Colquitt is a free agent, but he thinks the Vikings will lock him down before he even enters the market for other teams.

“We, my agent and my family, we believe in the Vikings,” Colquitt told the Pioneer Press. “They’ve made it clear, we believe, they want to make a deal before free agency.”

According to the Star Tribune, Colquitt said he “honestly had the best year of my career” after a career-high 42.6 net yards on a career-low 62 punts in the 2019 regular season. The Star Tribune rated his season performance a four on a five-point scale.

Colquitt told the Pioneer Press that his agent suggested a three-year contract, with two years guaranteed, and the Vikings are on board with that. The Pioneer Press hypothesized that the deal would average between $2 million and $3 million per season.

Colquitt is coming off a very solid year, and he doesn’t break the bank when it comes to a contract. The Vikings should definitely pursue him this offseason and figure out a deal.