Reggie Bush clears first hurdle in defamation suit against NCAA

The NCAA loses again. Reggie Bush’s defamation lawsuit continues.

Reggie Bush is making progress in his defamation suit against the NCAA. Per CBS Sports, a judge denied the NCAA’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

We noted last year that Bush simply could not avoid pursuing this line of litigation:

“He is tired of enduring what he thinks is an injury to his reputation, all while 2012 Heisman winner Johnny Manziel (in a recent documentary) was plainly involved in all sorts of entanglements without being given the same scale or severity of penalties Bush has had to deal with.

“That difference between Bush’s and Manziel’s separate fates is one of several reasons why Bush decided to do what he did on Tuesday: Go forward with a defamation lawsuit against the NCAA.”

Now the lawsuit can move forward. Bush received his 2005 Heisman Trophy earlier this year. The powers that be in college football, in light of everything happening in the NIL space and the larger realm in which players are now getting paid to play college football, made it impossible to continue withholding the trophy Bush earned on the field. Bush, however, is not done trying to restore his good name.

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