Ref tells Knicks guard to ‘thank Chris Paul’ for delay of game call

Elfrid Payton was whistled for a delay of game penalty for having an untucked jersey in the Knicks game against Denver.

Turns out, Chris Paul isn’t the only one refs “got” for not tucking in a jersey.

During New York’s game against the Nuggets on Sunday night, Knicks guard Elfrid Payton was whistled for a delay of game for tucking in his jersey as he was entering the game.

When the whistle blew, Payton looked at the ref with his hands in the air.

The courtside mics picked up the ref telling Payton, “y’all thank Chris Paul for that”.

Paul has raised the level of scrutiny on proper attire for players when entering a game since he called out Jordan Bell for coming into the Thunder’s game against Minnesota with an untucked jersey back on December 7.

What followed was a wild sequence of events that included a made technical free throw, a full-court length pass, and a buzzer-beater to tie the game. Oklahoma City went on to beat the Timberwolves in overtime.

Following the Jordan Bell jersey incident, Paul was whistled for two delay of game violations in OKC’s next game. Paul said of those calls that the refs “got him back” and were “trying to make a point”.

The NBA rules clearly state that players should have their uniforms tucked in when entering the game. “If his shirt is untucked when he is beckoned into the game by the official, a delay of game violation shall be assessed”.