Ref has hilarious reaction after decking Mike Vrabel on the sidelines

Keep that head on a swivel.

Tennessee Titans head coach Mike Vrabel is large person. He’s 6-foot-4, around 260 pounds. It should require a lot to take him down.

Or … just a blindside hit from the side judge.

Showtime’s Inside the NFL recap of Saturday’s Titans-Ravens game included a previously unnoticed collision on the sidelines between Vrabel and side judge Eugene Hall. While Vrabel was talking to his staff up in the press box through his headset, he evidently ventured a little too far into Hall’s path. The side judge rammed right into the Titans coach and knocked him over.

The commentary set the entire sequence up as the ultimate “wait for it …” moment. And Hall’s reaction was especially hilarious.


These mic’d-up videos were created just for that very reason. It was perfect.

Thankfully, both Hall and Vrabel were fine after the collision. You gotta keep that head on a swivel next time, Coach.

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