Record-breaking largemouth bass caught in Idaho

An Idaho angler has been granted a state record for a giant largemouth bass he caught while fishing in a recent tournament at Cave Lake.

An Idaho angler has been granted a state record for a giant largemouth bass he caught while fishing in a recent tournament at Cave Lake along the Coeur d’Alene River.

JJ Schillinger of Post Falls landed the 9.7-pound, 25-inch bass during the Panhandle Bass Anglers Fall Open on Oct. 19. After the fish was weighed and measured, it was set free.

This week the Idaho Department of Fish and Game announced that Schillinger’s catch is the new record in the catch-and-release category.

These records are based on length, since most anglers do not have quick access to certified scales. A simple measurement and photo documentation allows for reasonably swift releases.

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Tournament bass anglers typically keep their fish alive in aerated wells on their boats, and release them after the weigh-in at the end of each day of competition.

The Panhandle Bass Anglers Fall Open ran Oct. 19-20 and Schillinger won with a total combined weight of 60.93 pounds, buoyed by the 9.7-pound bass.

Leaderboard of the Panhandle Bass Anglers Fall Open

On Wednesday he acknowledged the catch-and-release record on Facebook, writing, “It’s official!! Not the weight record but a good start! Thanks to Idaho Panhandle Bass Anglers for putting on a great event as always, and my partner Trevor Schalk for netting this beautiful giant!”

The previous Idaho catch-and-release record was a bass that measured 23.75 inches. It was caught by Dale Stratton at Sawyers Pond in May 2017.

–Image showing JJ Schillinger with his record bass is courtesy of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game