Ravens withdraw proposal to add ‘sky judge’ to officiating crews

The Baltimore Ravens withdrew their proposal to add a “sky judge” to officiating crews, but a big change in that area is expected to pass.

In 2020, the Baltimore Ravens proposed that a “sky judge” be added to NFL officiating crews, which would add an eighth referee across the league.

While the proposal made sense and seemed to gain a bit of momentum within league circles, NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero reported that Baltimore has pulled the proposal.

Even with Baltimore’s submission no longer in play, Pelissero also reported that the NFL is likely to pass “expanded booth-to-official communication with video” that would help in multiple facets of the game.

Pelissero also notes that replay officials and others who are in New York will not be able to change some calls or pick up any flag, but will still have the ability to share their input and try to guide the referees on the field to the right conclusion.

If passed, this is a big step for the NFL. The push to add more eyes so that calls are made correctly has been in the works for a long time, with Ravens head coach John Harbaugh being a big advocate.

The outcome of a game should be determined by the players and coaches, not by the officials. The game will benefit from having more people who can see a play and determine the right course of action for an important call or penalty.