Ravens OL coach Joe D’Alessandris speaks on the importance of positional versatility

Ravens offensive line coach Joe D’Alessandris spoke on the importance of versatility on the offensive line

The Baltimore Ravens have long been a team that values versatility. The league as a whole has shifted significantly toward players who can play multiple positions, and Baltimore is no exception.

On their offensive line, the Ravens have plenty of players who can move all over and produce at a high level, regardless of where they’re placed. When asked about his idea of versatility, Ravens offensive line coach Joe D’Alessandris said you have to have versatility, making clear that you should put your best five linemen on the field whenever possible.

“I think you have to have [versatility], just me. I was fortunate enough to come up under a head coach, many, many years ago, when I started off my career, and the philosophy was, ‘The No. 2 right tackle might not be as good as that No. 2 right guard. Let’s find a way to get the five best [offensive linemen] on the field.’ So, that’s how I grew up as a coach, to put your best five – as often as you can – on the field, so position flexibility is important for us here at the Ravens, and I know, for myself, as a coach, because you go into a game: you have seven – sometimes you have eight – but sometimes the roster has to change a little bit. Those guys have to be able to play multiple positions, because you don’t know what the injury factor could be for that game.”

Baltimore will be looking for its next offensive line combination after losing John Simpson, Kevin Zeitler, and Morgan Moses to free agency. Many of the names that could replace them are factors at multiple positions, which certainly helps their chances.