Ravens OL coach Joe D’Alessandris impressed by rookie right tackle Roger Rosengarten

Ravens OL coach Joe D’Alessandris is impressed by offensive tackle Roger Rosengarten

The Baltimore Ravens drafted offensive lineman Roger Rosengarten at the end of the second round in the 2024 NFL draft. The former Washington star is already an instant favorite to start at the right tackle position, although he has no NFL experience.

Baltimore offensive line coach Joe D’Alessandris was asked about Rosengarten and what he’s seen from the rookie. He mentioned plenty of good traits, such as being eager, hustling, and more, but acknowledged that there would be ups and downs throughout his process.

“Roger [Rosengarten] is doing a great job. He’s eager, he hustles, he gives good effort, he plays to succeed, and [it’s] just [about] continued growth, understanding the offense and just let’s see now, when we put you in a game, how are you going to produce in games? You’re going to have some ups. You’re going to have some downs. How are you going to bounce back from some of those opportunities, but I’m glad we have him. He’s a heck of a young man.”

The Ravens are trying to effectively replace three starters on their offensive line, which is no easy task. Baltimore will do everything possible to assemble the right starting group, and Rosengarten could undoubtedly be a part of it.