Raúl Jiménez went full pirate after scoring for Wolves

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for Raúl

Raúl Jiménez produced an early-season celebration of the year contender on Tuesday, going full pirate after scoring for Wolves in the Carabao Cup.

The Mexico international scored eight minutes into the match against Preston, which Wolves would eventually win 2-1.

After scoring Jiménez removed his headband, which also looks a lot like an eye patch, and put it over his face. Crucially to the celebration, the forward had also stored a hook in a bag next to the goal, which he put on to complete the full pirate motif.

Asked about the celebration in a video on Wolves’ official Twitter page, Jiménez said: “I was planning since the preseason having this kind of thing, so I hope I can score more and do it more times.”

The interviewer asked an important follow-up, quizzing Jiménez on whether more pirate regalia, like a parrot on his shoulder, could be added for future goals.

“You need to wait for me to score again and let’s see what’s coming next,” Jiménez replied.

Wolves fans, and the rest of us, will hope we don’t have to wait too long.

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