Rare otter attack injures Montana boy floating on inner tube

A 12-year-old Montana boy was attacked by an otter as he and a friend floated down the Big Hole River on inner tubes.

A 12-year-old Montana boy was attacked by an otter Friday as he and a friend floated down the Big Hole River on inner tubes.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks stated in a news release issued Monday that the boy did not suffer life-threatening injuries during the rare attack.

The two boys were on a section of river west of Divide, upstream from the Powerhouse Fishing Access Site, when they spotted several otters in front of them.

One otter approached and attacked the boy before two adults who were camping nearby rushed to his rescue.

“Fortunately, the boy was able to receive prompt treatment for injuries that were not life threatening. The other boy was not injured,” Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks stated.

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Otter attacks on humans are rare, but the animals can be tenacious while defending their young or their territory against potential threats.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks explained that otters typically give birth in April and can stay with their young through the summer.

Low water level caused by drought might also have played a role in shrinking the otters’ territory and preventing the boys from maintaining a safer distance.

Signs have been posted along the river cautioning visitors about the incident.

–River otter image is generic