Rams punter Johnny Hekker calls for boycott of NFL RedZone in perfect tweet

RedZone promised not to show punts. Hekker took offense, as he should.

Johnny Hekker is one of the great punters in NFL history already, and he’s still in the prime of his career. The 30-year-old footsmith has already earned NFL first team All Pro honors four times, and is a four-time Pro Bowler.

He’s so good that he’s actually made Rams punts — something usually to ignore, or perhaps use as an excuse to run to the restroom — must-watch TV. He’s so good that we’ve blogged about him multiple times. A punter!

In any event, Hekker is on a solitary crusade to make punting cool and appreciated, which is why a tweet from NFL RedZone host Andrew Siciliano rankled him so much on Sunday.

Siciliano implored people to tune in to his show with his tweet, then included a GIF that promised “we don’t show punts.”

Hekker responded the only appropriate way:

Siciliano, to his credit, said they would make an exception, possibly, for Hekker.

I’ll be tuning in today, and I better see a Hekker punt or two. If not, I will be forced to listen to Johnny, and walk away from RedZone. I love punts.

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