Raiders RB Josh Jacobs joins chorus of criticism for Drew Brees controversial comments: ‘This ain’t it’

We are in the midst of week long nationwide – and ever worldwide – equal rights protests following the death of George Floyd under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. NFL teams and their players across the league are making statements of …

We are in the midst of week long nationwide — and ever worldwide — equal rights protests following the death of George Floyd under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. NFL teams and their players across the league are making statements of support for the African American community in this difficult time.

Then there’s what Drew Brees said.

Brees was asked in an interview if he would support anyone in the NFL next season taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem, as Colin Kaepernick starter in 2016 and several other players have since taken up. His response was “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.”

Naturally, this statement has been met with extensive backlash. Raiders second year running back Josh Jacobs chimed in as well, posting a face palm emoji, adding “This ain’t it.”

Just as the country is being ripped by protests, some leading to riots, many are saying that peaceful protest is the way. Likewise, many have pointed to the silent protest by Kaepernick and others as an ideal example of that, noting that even that was met with disdain and harsh criticism, much like what Brees just uttered.

Saints All-Pro receiver Michael Thomas put out a tweet minutes after Brees’s statement went viral, in words clearly aimed at his misguided quarterback.

And retweeted a tweet criticizing Brees’s comments with a sick face emoji.

Brees’s own coach sent out a message of support for the black community.


I mean how hard is that? How hard is it to just say “It is not my place to stand in judgment of how someone elects to exercise their first amendment rights”?

Jacobs said it pretty succinctly of Brees’s statement. That ain’t it. Especially not right now.